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Tailwind CSS is not just a CSS framework. It’s a framework to build your own custom CSS framework. Define your design tokens that translate to utility classes, and start building!

In this video, I take you on a journey through customizing Tailwind CSS to create a tailored set of utility classes for a unique design. I begin by examining a Figma composition and a comprehensive style guide document provided by a designer. This document details essential elements such as breakpoints, colors, shadows, and typography, which are crucial for creating a consistent and visually appealing design.

I then walk you through the process of translating these design values into a Tailwind CSS config file, ultimately generating a custom CSS framework that is perfectly suited for our specific design needs.

I start by defining breakpoints and naming them ‘tablet’ and ‘desktop’ for better readability and understanding of their purpose.

Moving on, I dive into customizing other aspects of our design, such as colors, shadows, and typography. I explain how to add custom colors to the config file and create new color variations, enabling you to have a complete palette tailored to your project. I also cover how to modify and add custom box shadows, ensuring they align with the design’s aesthetic.

As I delve into typography, I explain how to customize font families, font sizes, line heights, and font weights, ensuring your text elements appear consistent with the design’s intended look and feel. Throughout the video, I provide tips and tricks to help you gain a deeper understanding of Tailwind CSS customization, empowering you to create designs that truly stand out.

By the end of this video, you will have a firm grasp on how to customize Tailwind CSS effectively and efficiently, using a tailored set of utility classes to create stunning designs that align perfectly with your designer’s vision.

And as you use your custom Tailwind CSS setup, it feels like you have a bespoke CSS framework created just for your project.

And, well… that’s exactly what you’ve got! ✨

illustration of the Pro Tailwind corgi mascot

I've teamed up with Kent C. Dodds to teach Tailwind CSS (and more) as a partner instructor on the Epic Web platform!

illustration of the Pro Tailwind corgi mascot

Pro Tailwind is an advanced-level course on Tailwind CSS, like multi-theme and multi-style component strategies. Sign up today!