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A 4-post series taking you through a website refactoring process using tachyons, a functional CSS toolkit that is guaranteed to trigger very strong opinions. [Insert Dave Rupert’s hot drama soundboard effect].

The series is available on medium, and here are links to the four chapters.

  1. Why re-write in the first place?
  2. What even is functional CSS?
  3. The refactoring process, step by step
  4. The aftermaths: key learnings and recommendations

Happy reading!

illustration of the Pro Tailwind corgi mascot

I've teamed up with Kent C. Dodds to teach Tailwind CSS (and more) as a partner instructor on the Epic Web platform!

illustration of the Pro Tailwind corgi mascot

Pro Tailwind is an advanced-level course on Tailwind CSS, like multi-theme and multi-style component strategies. Sign up today!